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A Day of Firsts

20080821-Img01-E5y6m,P2y11m-1stdayofschool 20080821-Img05-E5y6m,P2y11m-1stdayofschool 

Ella’s first day of kindergarten.
I can’t believe she’s old enough for school!  It’s exciting to see her grow and start new things but it’s also a little sad because it’s going by so fast.  When Ella got on the school bus this morning Preston started crying because he didn’t want her to go.  It was very cute.  She had a great day.  Some of her highlights of the day included: sitting by our neighbor on the school bus and playing with her at recess, eating mini corndogs for lunch, going to different stations in her classroom and completing activities, and slipping and sliding in gym class.

Preston’s first black eye.
I can’t believe this is Preston’s first real injury with as rough and clumsy as he is.  If there’s a wall nearby-he walks into it.  If there’s a counter ledge that sticks out-he bumps his head on it.  If he runs-he falls.  You get the picture.  Today he fell at grandma’s house and got his first black eye.  I saw him a few hours after he fell and he acted like it was no big deal.

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