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Author: Mindy Zeigler

2023 – 1 Second Everyday

2023 was another good year for us. We watched A LOT of sporting events that our boys participated in. We also had a great summer that included trips to Hawaii and to Norris Lake. This year, Preston turned 18 and started his senior year of high school. Brennen learned how to play the guitar. He started with an electric guitar and then added an acoustic guitar later in the year. Griffin continues to love soccer and we enjoyed watching him this fall. Ella spent the year in Uruguay finishing her mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After eighteen months, she came home two weeks before Christmas so we were blessed to spend the holidays together as a family.

Where to Find Highlights and Notes in Gospel Library

Have you ever wondered where to find your highlights and notes in Gospel Library? I will show you how to find them.

I am a Gospel Library Service Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I share ideas to help you with your scriptures study and ways to use Gospel Library to enhance that study.

If you have any questions or need any help, use the contact tab on this website.

Where to Find Highlights and Notes in Gospel Library

–Have you been highlighting scriptures or making notes in Gospel Library and wondered where they go or how to find them later?
As long as you are logged into your church account, all your highlights and notes are saved.
I’m going to show you how to find them.

–I have an android phone, but the process is very similar on an iphone.
Open the Gospel Library App.
If you have made highlights or notes, when you open the content, you will see them. For example, when I open up to 1st Nephi 1, I can scroll through and see all my highlights and notes.
You can also find all the highlights and notes made in all the content In Gospel Library in two other places.
The first is right in the Gospel Library App.
If you touch the home screen, you will find your study tools.
The annotations option will show you every highlight and note you have ever made anywhere in gospel library.
You can scroll through them all.
Now, if you have made a lot of highlights and notes, it may take you a very long time to scroll through and find what you are looking for. This is where it is nice to have them organized by placing them into notebooks or by adding tags according to the subject of the note.
It is also nice to have a title on all your notes which makes it easier to find what you are looking for as you are scrolling through.
You can click on the individual notes to view them or edit them.
If you already have things in notebooks or tags, you will also find them on your home screen under study tools.
You can click notebooks or tags and it will give you a list of ones you have created.
Touch the one you want, and it will show you all your highlights and notes that you have put in that notebook or added that tag to.

–The other place you can find all your highlights and notes is on the church’s website.
Go to and log in.
Once you’ve logged in, if you click the squares up on the top right of the page, you will see several options.
Click notes and you will see on the left hand side of the screen, every highlight or note you have ever made in any of the content in gospel library.
Again, you can scroll down through every one, or you can click the one you want to read or to edit.
You can also click the notebook icon or the tag icon at the top to see a list of all your notebooks or tags.
Click the one you want, and it will show you all the highlights and notes you have either added to that notebook or added that tag to.

–Now you know where your highlights and notes go and how to find them later.
The next step is to learn how to use notebooks and tags to help you keep them organized and easy to find.

Please send me a message if you have any questions or need any further help!

Making The Decision To Exercise Easier

The best time for me to exercise with my schedule is early in the morning. One of my biggest stumbling blocks to actually getting out of bed and getting started, was trying to figure out what to wear every morning as I exercised. The thought of going to the closet for one item and digging through multiple drawers for the others, gave me just enough time to talk myself out of exercising. To add to it, I never knew if my exercise clothes were clean or if they were in the dryer across the house in the laundry room. So, instead of figuring it all out, I would find myself crawling back into my cozy bed.

Here is what I did that made it easier for me to get out of bed each morning and exercise: I already had a lot of of exercise clothes, but they were all pieced together and I didn’t love anything that I had. So, I purchased new clothes. I workout at home so I didn’t care too much what they looked like, I just wanted them to fit, be very comfortable, and all mix and match together. I purchased six new workout shirts, six new workout shorts, six new sports bras and even six new pairs of underwear to workout in. The shirts were all the same shirt, just different colors. For the shorts I went with black or gray. I put one of each item together into an outfit and stretched a piece of elastic around it to hold them together. I placed three outfits together in one bin and three in another bin and put them on a shelf in my closet. I typically workout four to five days a week so that gives me enough for the week plus an extra set or two to give me time to do laundry. When I am done exercising, I hang the clothes up to dry out. I keep a separate laundry basket in my bathroom just for my dirty exercise clothes. My husband puts his dirty workout clothes in there too. When the basket gets full, I wash all the exercise clothes together in one load. That works better too because I can launder them with heavy duty detergent or use a different water temperature than I would with the rest of my clothes. Once washed, I immediately put them together into outfits and put them back in the bins. Because all the clothes are the same and mix and match together, I can quickly grab one of each and it works.

This has been a game changer for me. Now, when I get up in the morning, I don’t have to think about it at all. I go to my closet and pull out a set of clothes that are together and all ready to put on. It is hard enough to get up to exercise, so why not make it a little easier by having your clothes ready to grab and put on? I have been doing this for over a year now. It is one less decision to make in the morning and it really does make it easier to get up and start exercising.

2022 – 1 Second Everyday

We had a great 2022. We spent a lot of time at sporting events this year. In addition to track, Preston decided to run cross country and swim for the first time. Griffin continued with soccer. Brennen started high school this year. There were trips to Hawaii, Miami, Austin, New York, Streamsong, Palm Springs, and an epic family trip to Orlando visiting all the theme parks. Ella got her eighteen month mission call for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and left for Montevideo, Uruguay. We look forward to having her home next Christmas!

The Busy Latter-Day Saint Podcast

I was recently on an episode of The Busy Latter-Day Saint Podcast. Richard Bernard is the host of the podcast. He interviews members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints about how they study the scriptures. He also shares tips for using the Gospel Library App to help you improve your own scripture study.

We talked about how I approach teaching the scriptures and how I use Gospel Library in my own study.

Podcast Episode

The Busy Latter-Day Saint Website

Redouble Our Efforts

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, twice a year our prophet, apostles, and other church leaders speak to us in General Conference. They give messages of instruction and hope. As I study my scriptures and general conference, I pay extra attention when words are repeated. So, when I watched General Conference last month, my ears perked up when I heard the word “redouble” used in three different talks.

Redouble means, “make or become much greater, more intense, or more numerous.”

Church leaders urged us to redouble our efforts in regard to the temple, prayer, and to our discipleship to Christ. I am pondering on how I can redouble my efforts in those areas. What can I do to make the temple, prayer, and discipleship to Christ- greater, more intense and more numerous in my life?

I can go to the temple more often and prepare myself before going. I can pray more often and more sincerely. I can go to the Lord with all my concerns and worries and thank Him for all my blessings. I can be more loving and forgiving to others. I can serve more and look for ways to be a positive influence to those around me…

What do you need to make greater, more intense, and more numerous in your life?

-Recommended to the Lord By Elder Ronald A. Rasband Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (October 2020 General Conference)

“Let the work of my temple, and all the works which I have appointed unto you, be continued on and not cease; and let your diligence, and your perseverance, and patience, and your works be redoubled, and you shall in nowise lose your reward, saith the Lord of Hosts.”(Doctrine and Covenants 127:4)

When the Lord calls for us to “redouble” our efforts, He is asking that we increase in righteousness. For example, we may expand our study of the scriptures, our family history research, and our prayers of faith that we may share our love for the Lord’s house with those preparing to receive a temple recommend, our family members in particular.

I promise you as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ that as you strive to redouble your righteous efforts, you will feel renewed in your devotion to God the Father and Jesus Christ, you will feel an abundance of the Holy Ghost guiding you, you will be grateful for your sacred covenants, and you will feel peace knowing you are “recommended to the Lord.”

-Finding Joy in Christ by Steven J. Lund Young Men General President (October 2020 General Conference)

I pray that you will strive, with redoubled energy worthy of this time, to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, to qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy that comes only through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that you will prepare to become that diligent missionary, loyal husband or wife, loving father or mother that you have been promised you may ultimately become by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

-Watch Ye therefore, and Pray Always By President M. Russell Ballard Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (October 2020 General Conference)

Brothers and sisters, I urge you to redouble your commitment to prayer. I urge you to pray in your closets, in your daily walk, in your homes, in your wards, and always in your hearts.

Faith in the Future

This has been a crazy few weeks! I’ve had a range of emotions as I have watched the COVID-19 (Corona) virus numbers rise and our activities and events cancelled. I wanted to share something that has brought me peace and hope amid all of this. Over the last several months I have had some health problems. I have had to slow down a little and reevaluate the things I am doing. I guess it was good practice for what we are going through now. As I did this, I found myself mourning the person I used to be and the things I used to be able to do. I found that I was worried about my life now and learning how to deal with slowing down. I am a very active, productive person so this has been a hard adjustment for me. The future though is the hardest part. I found myself fearing the future and what the side effects of this health issue might bring. It was hard. In December, sitting in church one Sunday while taking the Sacrament, I opened my Bible. In the back of my Bible is a dictionary that has been composed from words in the Bible. There is a section in the Bible Dictionary that contains the names of Christ. In my scripture study that week I was studying Revelation so I went there to see the names of Christ in that book. There was a name that immediately stood out to me. Usually when I think about the names of Christ I think about names like, Savior or Almighty or Light of the World. This name was different. In Revelation 11:17 Christ is called, “which art, and wast, and art to come.” That stuck out to me because it says He is present, past and future. That is exactly what I had worried about, mourned over, and feared. I immediately remembered all the times in my life that I have felt Christ and his grace. I thought about how I feel Him now in my life getting me through this time. I realized that what I needed to do was let go of the fear of what my future holds, because He will be there too. No matter what happens with my health or with anything else, He will be there to give us the strength we need.

This can apply to any situation. We all go through hard times where we may mourn the past, worry about the present, and fear the future. This can happen with health problems or family problems or work problems…….or even world pandemics! Remembering that Jesus Christ has been with us in the past and is with us now, can help us let go of fear of what is in the future. We can replace that fear with faith and look for the lessons He is trying to teach us. I know I am being taught to slow down a little, to think about what is most important in my life, to re prioritize… This is bringing me peace and joy.

2019 – 1 Second Everyday

Here is our year in review. We had another great year. It was full of basketball and soccer and swimming and vacations and holidays with family and fun times with friends. As I think about some of the hard times we had this year and then I watch this video and see all the good times, I think I will take the hard times so I can appreciate the good even more!