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Author: Mindy Zeigler


20080430 flowers

Last night Phil came home from church with a large bouquet of flowers for me.  Every now and then he still brings me flowers for no reason.  We will be married eight years next month.  We started dating at 16 and when Phil turned 30 last month he told me we have spent almost half our lives together.  Tonight he volunteered to take Ella to gymnastics and take Preston with him so I could have an hour to myself (with Brennen).  An hour doesn’t seem like much but to a mom of three with a newborn, it’s a blessing!  Thank you Phil.

A Childhood Memory


Cleaning out the refrigerator today I found two green peppers that needed to be eaten.  I pondered if I should use them in a meal or just cut them up so the kids could eat them.  Then, I remembered how my grandma would cut the tops off, clean them out, and fill them with water.  She would give us our green pepper “cups” and we would drink away.  Our favorite part was eating our “cup” when we were finished.  I loved when the green peppers would become ripe in their large garden so we could drink from them.  Today, I shared this memory with my children and they got to drink from their very own green pepper “cups.”


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My two and a half year old son loves bedtime.  He is the only child I have ever seen that asks to go to bed.  He loves loves loves his crib and his blanket and pillow!  After we had our next baby we knew we were going to have to move him over to a big boy bed.  I was nervous but he now loves his big boy bed.

My other son has had his days and nights confused from the moment we brought him home from the hospital.  He sleeps in his cradle which was next to my bed.  After several sleepless nights I couldn’t take it any longer.  We moved his cradle into our closet and turned on a fan.  He and I sleep much better.  He still wakes up and occasionally wants to stay up, but for the most part we are sleeping better!

I am thankful for my boys and their bedtimes!

Shining Moments


At certain times in our lives I think we get caught up in our busy day to day routines and don’t pay attention to the special moments that make our lives special.  I recently had my third child and experienced one such occasion. After I had the baby I felt like I did the same thing day in and day out.

Wake up (after being up half the night with a newborn), clean, breakfast, laundry, clean, play, lunch, clean, naps, school, clean, dinner, clean, kids bedtime, laundry, clean, sleep (for about an hour until the baby wakes up to eat)….  Day after day after day….

Did I also mention that I have a very stubborn five year old daughter, a very rambunctious two and a half year old son, and a very fussy newborn son?  Having the third child has not been a huge adjustment for me, but what has been hard is that he is so fussy.  If he’s awake he’s crying!  So, with no sleep and a crying baby, I have been very frustrated.  I have been stuck in my mundane schedule and not happy and excited about my life.

Feeling this way I found myself sitting in my family room watching General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Elder M. Russell Ballard was speaking about the essential role of motherhood.  The following quote he shared really touched me.

“First, recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.

Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: “The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . . . I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less”(Loud and Clear [2004], 10–11).”

I related to that quote so much.  I focus most of my attention on getting things done and not on the shining moments of joy and satisfaction in my life.

A few weeks went by and one morning I was making dinner for a sick friend.  The kids were helping me make cookies for their dessert.  They love to help add the ingredients and stir in the chocolate chips and of course, eat the cookie dough!  It takes so much longer when they help me but they love it.  About an hour later I was feeding the baby.  I rubbed his forehead as he was eating and I felt something sticky.  I peeled off a layer of goop and smelled it.  It was cookie dough!  It made me laugh because I could just picture Preston (my two and a half year old son) rubbing Brennen’s forehead like he loves to do, with cookie dough all over his hands.  This reminded me of the above quote.  This was one of the moments I wanted to remember.  I decided at that time, as I was scraping cookie dough off my newborn’s head, that I wanted to focus more on the moments in my life that make me happy, and less on the getting things done.

As I continued to think about this for the rest of the day I recognized more shining moments that made me happy.

I spent the afternoon outside with the kids in the sun.  Ella and Preston played and ran around while Brennen and I lounged on a blanket in the yard.  How refreshing that was after being cooped up in the house all winter.

I gave the kids a bath and as I was dressing Brennen he started fussing.  I picked him up and all he had on was a onesie.  His skin was so soft and he smelled wonderful.  After only holding him with long sleeves and pants it was wonderful to feel his soft newborn skin.

Instead of getting ready for bed like I asked my older two kids to do, they turned on music in the family room and decided to dance.  Instead of getting angry, I decided to dance with them for a while.  What fun we had making up dance routines together and singing the oldies music Ella picked out.

And best of all, my baby Brennen smiled at me for the first time!  He stopped crying for several minutes and was content and happy.  He has cried for his entire newborn life and for the first time in over a month he smiled and was content!  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I have promised myself that I will continue to try to pick out those shining moments in my day to day routine that make me happy.  I want to focus more on them and remember and cherish them.

Puppet Theater

puppet theatre

For Christmas I made my kids a puppet theater.  I saw several very expensive versions in catalogs and decided to make one myself.  I bought inexpensive fabric and sewed it together like a curtain.  You do not have to be good at sewing to make this.  Believe me because I am not a good sewer!  All you need to do is sew a straight line.  Fold the fabric over at the top and sew two straight lines where a curtain rod can fit through.  Fold the bottom up and sew a straight line for the hem.  Use an adjustable spring curtain rod and it will fit in any doorway.

Waitress Kit

waitress kit

For my daughter’s birthday this year I made her a waitress kit.  It was very inexpensive and she loves it!  We already had most of the items for the kit at home.  All I had to do was buy a few items at the dollar store and make her menus which cost less than $5!  I gathered the apron and fake food that we already had.  I made her a menu with words and pictures of the food in the kit.  I put the pictures on so her little brother can play too.  I also put prices for each food item so she can learn about money.  I made a smaller version of the menu that she can use to take our order on.  I laminated them both and gave her a dry erase marker to use on the order card.  I purchased fake money from the dollar store and the tote that the kit is kept in.  The lid of the tote doubles as the serving tray.

Here’s a copy of the menu and order pad.  They are both two sided.

Waitress Kit

Family Journal Jar

journal jar

This year I had my family over for Thanksgiving.  It was the first time in a few years my brother and his family have been in town for the holiday.  I planned a few activities for us to do throughout the day; but, our favorite was the Family Journal Jar.  We each drew out a question about ourselves or a family memory that we had.  We spent a few minutes writing our answers down and then we shared them with each other.  It was a lot of fun.  We learned about why I like being the oldest child, a time my husband got his car stuck in the snow in my parents driveway (on purpose) when we were dating, my sister’s weirdest dream, my brother’s favorite general authorities (LDS), my sister’s opinion on each family member, my sister-in-law’s goals for the future, my mom’s biggest bargain, and my dad’s favorite toy growing up.  There were such a variety of questions and we learned a lot about each other.  This was fun to do on Thanksgiving but I will definitely be pulling out the journal jar anytime we are together.

I am keeping our answers in page protectors in a notebook so we can read our family journal whenever we get together.  I made my journal jar out of an empty small paint can from the hardware store.  I used scrapbook paper to cover the can.  I collected all my questions from several different internet sites, printed them off, and cut them out separate.

Here are the questions I chose along with the pages we recorded our answers on for you to download:

family journal jar questions

family journal jar pages

Christmas Tree Skirt

christmas tree skirt 1

I thought I’d share my easy Christmas tree skirt idea.  I found this round tablecloth on clearance one year after Christmas.  I cut a circle in the center and now use it as my tree skirt.  See the diagram below and cut along the black line.  You could sew the cut edges but I didn’t.  I also purchased a rectangle tablecloth that I sewed into two table runners to match.  Very easy!

christmas tree skirt 2

Halloween Trick or Treat Bags

trick or treat bag

Here is my daughter’s trick or treat bag I made for her to use this year.  I let each of my kids pick out their clipart images for their bags so they are very excited to use them.  You can purchase these bags in the craft section at the store.  You’ll also need to purchase iron on transfer paper from the office supply section.  Design your bag on Photoshop or any other design software.  It is very important that you flip your design horizontally before you print it so it won’t be backwards when you iron it on.  Then you print out your design on the iron on transfer paper and iron it on your bag according to the directions on your iron on transfer paper.  Very simple, inexpensive and cute!

Electronic Cord Labels

cord labels

Have you ever found an electronic cord in a drawer somewhere and wondered what on earth it went to?  Well, I label all my electronic cords with my label maker.  It’s also helpful when you are looking at your tv and see all the cords plugged into it.  If they are labeled, you know what each cord is and what it goes to.  You can see in the above photo the white tag on the end of the cord.