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Category: Family

Photo Challenge-Hands


“Hands” are the theme for the photo challenge this week at “iheartfaces.”  As I looked back through some of my photos I realized that I love taking pictures of hands.  They can tell a story all by themselves.  I had to pick the photo of Preston’s dirty hands handing me flowers from last summer as my entry.  I loved the flowers but I loved his dirty little hands even better!  Here are a few of my other favorites.






And I simply couldn’t resist this photo-it’s Mr. Potato Head’s hand holding Ella’s tooth so the tooth fairy can find it!




Ella:  “Skinny jeans don’t really make you skinny, they’re actually just tight.”

Me:  “Darn, I just bought some today.  I was hoping for a miracle!”

Ella’s Nana Ceci took her school clothes shopping.  She had so much fun picking out clothes, two pairs of boots, and skinny jeans!

1st Crush


Preston: “Mom, what does crush mean?”
Mom: “To break into many pieces.”
Preston: “Not that kind of crush.”
Mom: “You mean when you think a girl is cute?”
Preston: “Yes, does it always have to be a girl?”
Mom: “Um yes, what do you mean?”
Preston: ”Because I kind of have a crush on Griffin.”

Puddle Jumping


I think this has been the rainiest spring ever!  We’ve been cooped up in the house all winter and now all spring too.  Yesterday morning it was raining again and Preston just couldn’t help himself.  Ella and I were in the garage waiting for the school bus when Preston snuck past me and ran right for the rain.  He had such a good time that I couldn’t tell him to come in.  He ran and jumped and played!



Preston played soccer this year.  He has enjoyed kicking a soccer ball around our yard since was able to walk.  When I saw a flier for soccer, I knew we needed to sign him up.  He is very shy and hard on himself if he can’t do things just like he thinks he should.  Since this is something he enjoys and is good at, I thought it might help his confidence.  He was still hard on himself if he didn’t score as many goals as he wanted to but, he did enjoy playing and he did very well.  This is the medal he received for playing.  He was so proud of it.  He told Phil it was the first medal he’s ever received.  I am very proud of him too.

Happy Mother’s Day


Ella’s class planted flowers for their moms for Mother’s day.  Ella is allergic to flowers so her teacher let her go to the office where they were giving away free vegetable seeds so she could pick out something for me.  She looked through and decided on squash because she knew I liked it.  So, while everyone else planted flowers, she planted squash.  She brought me the squash plant today and it made me laugh.  I told her that I was sure I was the only mom who got a squash plant for Mother’s Day!  I loved it.

Happy Baby


This is Griffin.  He’s two months old now.  Everyone I talked to told me that going from three to four kids was no different or harder.  Well, I have decided they all lied to me!!!  Four kids has been a very big adjustment for me.  Griffin has also spent the first two months of his life crying.  I mean- CRYING!  I am the only one who could somewhat comfort him, but even that didn’t work all the time. I was completely sleep deprived and half crazy.  I slept upright in the recliner with him every night because that’s the only way he was comfortable.  But, at eight weeks that all changed.  He became happy and content!  He smiles all the time now and sleeps in his cradle.  He still wakes up often to eat and I’m still not adjusted to four kids, but things are much better!