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Making The Decision To Exercise Easier

The best time for me to exercise with my schedule is early in the morning. One of my biggest stumbling blocks to actually getting out of bed and getting started, was trying to figure out what to wear every morning as I exercised. The thought of going to the closet for one item and digging through multiple drawers for the others, gave me just enough time to talk myself out of exercising. To add to it, I never knew if my exercise clothes were clean or if they were in the dryer across the house in the laundry room. So, instead of figuring it all out, I would find myself crawling back into my cozy bed.

Here is what I did that made it easier for me to get out of bed each morning and exercise: I already had a lot of of exercise clothes, but they were all pieced together and I didn’t love anything that I had. So, I purchased new clothes. I workout at home so I didn’t care too much what they looked like, I just wanted them to fit, be very comfortable, and all mix and match together. I purchased six new workout shirts, six new workout shorts, six new sports bras and even six new pairs of underwear to workout in. The shirts were all the same shirt, just different colors. For the shorts I went with black or gray. I put one of each item together into an outfit and stretched a piece of elastic around it to hold them together. I placed three outfits together in one bin and three in another bin and put them on a shelf in my closet. I typically workout four to five days a week so that gives me enough for the week plus an extra set or two to give me time to do laundry. When I am done exercising, I hang the clothes up to dry out. I keep a separate laundry basket in my bathroom just for my dirty exercise clothes. My husband puts his dirty workout clothes in there too. When the basket gets full, I wash all the exercise clothes together in one load. That works better too because I can launder them with heavy duty detergent or use a different water temperature than I would with the rest of my clothes. Once washed, I immediately put them together into outfits and put them back in the bins. Because all the clothes are the same and mix and match together, I can quickly grab one of each and it works.

This has been a game changer for me. Now, when I get up in the morning, I don’t have to think about it at all. I go to my closet and pull out a set of clothes that are together and all ready to put on. It is hard enough to get up to exercise, so why not make it a little easier by having your clothes ready to grab and put on? I have been doing this for over a year now. It is one less decision to make in the morning and it really does make it easier to get up and start exercising.

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