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Tag: Faith-FHE

Family Home Evening Swaps


One of my favorite time savers are fully prepared Family Home Evening kits.  I have participated in several swaps where everyone prepares multiple copies of the same Family Home Evening and then we exchange them.  We go home with several different fully prepared Family Home Evenings.  The kits we exchange are complete lessons with visual aids, stories, games and activities.  They are great because when Monday rolls around, all I have to do is grab a kit and read over it quickly.  The above photo is a Family Home Evening I received in the last swap I participated in.  It’s nice because I have so many great lessons now.  It’s a lot easier to come up with one creative lesson and swap with others, than to come up with several on my own.  Since I have started swapping kits we have had Family Home Evening almost every Monday night.  Because the lessons are so creative my kids love them.  I have hosted several swaps as Relief Society activities.  I’ve also joined a few online swaps where we have mailed them.

Here is a copy of my swap rules and a sample lesson that you can download:


FHE Prayer MbM