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Tag: Faith-Jesus Christ

Jesus In The Book of Mormon

I have read The Book of Mormon several times in my life.  In fact, last year a friend and I read it together in ninety days.  We finished right before October General Conference.  General Conference is a gathering of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that happens twice a year in April and October in Salt Lake City, Utah and is broadcast to all the world.  It is a two-day event where our prophet and other church leaders speak to us giving us counsel and direction.  While watching the Women’s Session of conference our Prophet Russell M. Neslon challenged the women of the church to read The Book of Mormon by the end of the year, focusing on the Savior.

I thought well, I just finished reading The Book of Mormon so I’ve already got that done! Someone then reminded me that President Nelson asked us to read it focusing on the Savior. 

That made me think…I had never read The Book of Mormon focusing on the Savior. 

President Nelson said, “As you read, I would encourage you to mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior. Then, be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends. You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen.” (Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel, By President Russell M. Nelson, October 2018 General Conference)

So, I decided to read it again in about a ninety-day time period.  As I did, I highlighted every time it mentioned the Savior.  I took notes every time it mentioned who the Savior was and what He does for us.  I also took notes on all the interactions the people in the scriptures had with Him and the things we should and should not do to focus on Him.  I ended up with over 6,300 highlights and notes about the Savior in The Book of Mormon.

I found that as I read, focusing on Jesus Christ, I began to think and talk more of Him.  I grew closer to Him and I saw miracles as I received the strength I needed to get through some tough times that I had no idea were even going to happen.

This time when I read, it changed me.
I went from thinking this is “the church,” to this is “His church.”
I went from thinking we should keep “the commandments,” to I must keep “His commandments.”

As I read and focused on Him, taking notes of his qualities and interactions with us.  I wanted a way to remember some of them.  So I used the alphabet a-z and assigned a quality of Christ that I was reading about to each letter so I could memorize it and think of it when I needed to focus more on Him.  I repeat this to myself every time I am angry, sad, disappointed, or simply need to think of Him more.  It has brought me peace and helped me feel calm when I have needed it.


Is ALMIGHTY (1 Nephi 1:14)
Was BAPTIZED to fulfill all righteousness (2 Nephi 31:5)
Is the CREATOR of heaven and earth (Jacob 2:5)
Is able to DELIVER me (1 Nephi 4:3)
Is one ETERNAL God (Alma 11:44)
FORGIVES me as often as I repent (Mosiah 26:30)
Is the GOOD shepherd that calls me in His name (Alms 5:38)
HEARS my cries (Mosiah 21:15)
INVITES me to repent (Alma 5:33)
His JUDGEMENTS are always just (Mosiah 29:12)
KNOWS the thoughts of my heart (Mosiah 24:12)
Is the LIGHT and life of the world (3 Nephi 11:11)
Is MIGHTY to save (Alma 34:18)
NOURISHES me when I keep His commandments (1 Nephi 17:3)
Is ONE with the Father (3 Nephi 11:27)
PREPARES the way (1 Nephi 17:13)
The hills and mountains QUAKE at His voice (Helaman 12:9)
Shall REDEEM His people (Alma 11:40)
Is the SAVIOR of the world (1 Nephi 13:40)
His TENDER mercies are over me because of my faith (1 Nephi 1:20)
Is UNCHANGEABLE from all eternity (Moroni 8:18)
VISITS me with assurances (Alma 58:11)
His WISDOM is greater than the devil (3 Nephi 21:10)
Sets the EXAMPLE before me (2 Nephi 31:9)
Is the same YESTERDAY, today, and forever (1 Nephi 10:18)
Will establish ZION again among His people (3 Nephi 21:1)

Then after reading The Book of Mormon and focusing on the Savior at the end of last year, this year as a church and as a family, we have studied the New Testament.   I enjoyed reading the Gospels and learning even more about Jesus and His life.  After He was crucified and was no longer with the people, I was afraid as I continued to read the New Testament that I would miss Him.  But, as I read on, I realized that just as in The Book of Mormon, the entire book continued to testify and teach of Him. 

During Jesus’ life there are numerous examples of Him extending the invitation like He did to Peter and Andrew when He said, “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men (Matt 4:19).”

“And they straightway left their nets, and followed him (Matt 4:20).

Everyone who followed the Savior was changed. 

That’s what the atonement of Jesus Christ is about-changing and becoming more like Him. 
If you straightway leave your nets and follow Him, what will He make of you?

52 Scriptures About the Savior

20151217 Savior Scriptures

Camille over at Chicken Scratch n Sniff posted a free printable with 52 scriptures about Jesus Christ.  There are four scriptures to a page.  You can print them off and use them in a variety of ways.  In her post, she even gives 10 ways to use these scripture cards!

52 Scriptures to Help You Remember the Savior All Year

I printed out the pages on card stock and cut each page into fourths so there was one scripture per card.  Then, I printed out a picture of the Savior for the front cover.  I copied and pasted her ten uses for these cards and printed them out as a last page.  I laminated the front and back covers and punched holes in the top left corner and used a ring to make a booklet.

I have been looking for a way to bring myself and my family closer to Jesus Christ.  I am excited to use this booklet all next year to help us learn about and remember our Savior.

I am going to keep this booklet in our gospel study basket that you can read about HERE.

Here are some ways I am thinking of using this booklet in our family.  I got all these ideas from watching Camille’s video and reading her post.
-I would like to focus on one scripture each week next year.  We will read it during scripture study each day that week.  Hopefully we will memorize some of them and it will spur some conversation about the Savior too.
-I printed each scripture on card stock but did not laminate each page (only the covers) so we could write any thoughts we have about the scripture on the back of each one.
-Whenever anyone in our family gets upset, we will read through the booklet in hopes of calming down and bringing some peach and spirit into our lives!