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Tag: Faith-My Beliefs

Redouble Our Efforts

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, twice a year our prophet, apostles, and other church leaders speak to us in General Conference. They give messages of instruction and hope. As I study my scriptures and general conference, I pay extra attention when words are repeated. So, when I watched General Conference last month, my ears perked up when I heard the word “redouble” used in three different talks.

Redouble means, “make or become much greater, more intense, or more numerous.”

Church leaders urged us to redouble our efforts in regard to the temple, prayer, and to our discipleship to Christ. I am pondering on how I can redouble my efforts in those areas. What can I do to make the temple, prayer, and discipleship to Christ- greater, more intense and more numerous in my life?

I can go to the temple more often and prepare myself before going. I can pray more often and more sincerely. I can go to the Lord with all my concerns and worries and thank Him for all my blessings. I can be more loving and forgiving to others. I can serve more and look for ways to be a positive influence to those around me…

What do you need to make greater, more intense, and more numerous in your life?

-Recommended to the Lord By Elder Ronald A. Rasband Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (October 2020 General Conference)

“Let the work of my temple, and all the works which I have appointed unto you, be continued on and not cease; and let your diligence, and your perseverance, and patience, and your works be redoubled, and you shall in nowise lose your reward, saith the Lord of Hosts.”(Doctrine and Covenants 127:4)

When the Lord calls for us to “redouble” our efforts, He is asking that we increase in righteousness. For example, we may expand our study of the scriptures, our family history research, and our prayers of faith that we may share our love for the Lord’s house with those preparing to receive a temple recommend, our family members in particular.

I promise you as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ that as you strive to redouble your righteous efforts, you will feel renewed in your devotion to God the Father and Jesus Christ, you will feel an abundance of the Holy Ghost guiding you, you will be grateful for your sacred covenants, and you will feel peace knowing you are “recommended to the Lord.”

-Finding Joy in Christ by Steven J. Lund Young Men General President (October 2020 General Conference)

I pray that you will strive, with redoubled energy worthy of this time, to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, to qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy that comes only through the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that you will prepare to become that diligent missionary, loyal husband or wife, loving father or mother that you have been promised you may ultimately become by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

-Watch Ye therefore, and Pray Always By President M. Russell Ballard Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (October 2020 General Conference)

Brothers and sisters, I urge you to redouble your commitment to prayer. I urge you to pray in your closets, in your daily walk, in your homes, in your wards, and always in your hearts.

Faith in the Future

This has been a crazy few weeks! I’ve had a range of emotions as I have watched the COVID-19 (Corona) virus numbers rise and our activities and events cancelled. I wanted to share something that has brought me peace and hope amid all of this. Over the last several months I have had some health problems. I have had to slow down a little and reevaluate the things I am doing. I guess it was good practice for what we are going through now. As I did this, I found myself mourning the person I used to be and the things I used to be able to do. I found that I was worried about my life now and learning how to deal with slowing down. I am a very active, productive person so this has been a hard adjustment for me. The future though is the hardest part. I found myself fearing the future and what the side effects of this health issue might bring. It was hard. In December, sitting in church one Sunday while taking the Sacrament, I opened my Bible. In the back of my Bible is a dictionary that has been composed from words in the Bible. There is a section in the Bible Dictionary that contains the names of Christ. In my scripture study that week I was studying Revelation so I went there to see the names of Christ in that book. There was a name that immediately stood out to me. Usually when I think about the names of Christ I think about names like, Savior or Almighty or Light of the World. This name was different. In Revelation 11:17 Christ is called, “which art, and wast, and art to come.” That stuck out to me because it says He is present, past and future. That is exactly what I had worried about, mourned over, and feared. I immediately remembered all the times in my life that I have felt Christ and his grace. I thought about how I feel Him now in my life getting me through this time. I realized that what I needed to do was let go of the fear of what my future holds, because He will be there too. No matter what happens with my health or with anything else, He will be there to give us the strength we need.

This can apply to any situation. We all go through hard times where we may mourn the past, worry about the present, and fear the future. This can happen with health problems or family problems or work problems…….or even world pandemics! Remembering that Jesus Christ has been with us in the past and is with us now, can help us let go of fear of what is in the future. We can replace that fear with faith and look for the lessons He is trying to teach us. I know I am being taught to slow down a little, to think about what is most important in my life, to re prioritize… This is bringing me peace and joy.

Jesus In The Book of Mormon

I have read The Book of Mormon several times in my life.  In fact, last year a friend and I read it together in ninety days.  We finished right before October General Conference.  General Conference is a gathering of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that happens twice a year in April and October in Salt Lake City, Utah and is broadcast to all the world.  It is a two-day event where our prophet and other church leaders speak to us giving us counsel and direction.  While watching the Women’s Session of conference our Prophet Russell M. Neslon challenged the women of the church to read The Book of Mormon by the end of the year, focusing on the Savior.

I thought well, I just finished reading The Book of Mormon so I’ve already got that done! Someone then reminded me that President Nelson asked us to read it focusing on the Savior. 

That made me think…I had never read The Book of Mormon focusing on the Savior. 

President Nelson said, “As you read, I would encourage you to mark each verse that speaks of or refers to the Savior. Then, be intentional about talking of Christ, rejoicing in Christ, and preaching of Christ with your families and friends. You and they will be drawn closer to the Savior through this process. And changes, even miracles, will begin to happen.” (Sisters’ Participation in the Gathering of Israel, By President Russell M. Nelson, October 2018 General Conference)

So, I decided to read it again in about a ninety-day time period.  As I did, I highlighted every time it mentioned the Savior.  I took notes every time it mentioned who the Savior was and what He does for us.  I also took notes on all the interactions the people in the scriptures had with Him and the things we should and should not do to focus on Him.  I ended up with over 6,300 highlights and notes about the Savior in The Book of Mormon.

I found that as I read, focusing on Jesus Christ, I began to think and talk more of Him.  I grew closer to Him and I saw miracles as I received the strength I needed to get through some tough times that I had no idea were even going to happen.

This time when I read, it changed me.
I went from thinking this is “the church,” to this is “His church.”
I went from thinking we should keep “the commandments,” to I must keep “His commandments.”

As I read and focused on Him, taking notes of his qualities and interactions with us.  I wanted a way to remember some of them.  So I used the alphabet a-z and assigned a quality of Christ that I was reading about to each letter so I could memorize it and think of it when I needed to focus more on Him.  I repeat this to myself every time I am angry, sad, disappointed, or simply need to think of Him more.  It has brought me peace and helped me feel calm when I have needed it.


Is ALMIGHTY (1 Nephi 1:14)
Was BAPTIZED to fulfill all righteousness (2 Nephi 31:5)
Is the CREATOR of heaven and earth (Jacob 2:5)
Is able to DELIVER me (1 Nephi 4:3)
Is one ETERNAL God (Alma 11:44)
FORGIVES me as often as I repent (Mosiah 26:30)
Is the GOOD shepherd that calls me in His name (Alms 5:38)
HEARS my cries (Mosiah 21:15)
INVITES me to repent (Alma 5:33)
His JUDGEMENTS are always just (Mosiah 29:12)
KNOWS the thoughts of my heart (Mosiah 24:12)
Is the LIGHT and life of the world (3 Nephi 11:11)
Is MIGHTY to save (Alma 34:18)
NOURISHES me when I keep His commandments (1 Nephi 17:3)
Is ONE with the Father (3 Nephi 11:27)
PREPARES the way (1 Nephi 17:13)
The hills and mountains QUAKE at His voice (Helaman 12:9)
Shall REDEEM His people (Alma 11:40)
Is the SAVIOR of the world (1 Nephi 13:40)
His TENDER mercies are over me because of my faith (1 Nephi 1:20)
Is UNCHANGEABLE from all eternity (Moroni 8:18)
VISITS me with assurances (Alma 58:11)
His WISDOM is greater than the devil (3 Nephi 21:10)
Sets the EXAMPLE before me (2 Nephi 31:9)
Is the same YESTERDAY, today, and forever (1 Nephi 10:18)
Will establish ZION again among His people (3 Nephi 21:1)

Then after reading The Book of Mormon and focusing on the Savior at the end of last year, this year as a church and as a family, we have studied the New Testament.   I enjoyed reading the Gospels and learning even more about Jesus and His life.  After He was crucified and was no longer with the people, I was afraid as I continued to read the New Testament that I would miss Him.  But, as I read on, I realized that just as in The Book of Mormon, the entire book continued to testify and teach of Him. 

During Jesus’ life there are numerous examples of Him extending the invitation like He did to Peter and Andrew when He said, “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men (Matt 4:19).”

“And they straightway left their nets, and followed him (Matt 4:20).

Everyone who followed the Savior was changed. 

That’s what the atonement of Jesus Christ is about-changing and becoming more like Him. 
If you straightway leave your nets and follow Him, what will He make of you?



Over the last two years Griffin has had several bouts of pneumonia and bronchiolitis.  Any time he gets a runny nose or a cough, it goes straight to his lungs.  His pediatrician told us that many children outgrow this by the time they turn two.  He continued getting sick and had to go on a daily steroid and other asthma medications as needed.  I hated giving his so many medications and I hoped he would be one of the many children who would outgrow this airway disease.

A few months after he turned two he got a runny nose and a cough.  Within a couple hours he was hardly able to breath.  I took him to the pediatricians office who sent him straight to Children’s Hospital which is an hour from our home.

Griffin continued struggling for breath.  Phil took him to Children’s while I attended to the other kids.  When they got to the ER, Griffin was met by a whole team of specialists who pumped him full of several medications and breathing treatments.  It was really scary as they tried to decide if he should be placed in the icu.  I made arrangements for the other kids and drove to meet them at the hospital.

At that point he had been admitted to the regular ward with special instructions for extra attention from the health care providers. He was on hourly treatments that were expected to continue throughout the night.  We called a dear friend who lived near Children’s to come help Phil give Griffin a blessing.  I was reluctant to call our friend because he had an infant born with a heart condition who spent several months in the same hospital before he passed away the year before.  I knew it would be difficult for him to come back to the hospital, but he gladly did and I was so grateful for his efforts to help save my son.

After the blessing, Griffin started improving and the treatments started spacing out further and further until he was discharged the next day with prescriptions for even more medications, inhalers, and nebulizer treatments, and a pretty sure diagnosis of asthma.

It was very scary.  I hated that he was always sick, but at least before this happened, I felt like I could manage it-just start the meds at the onset of cold symptoms and wait for him to out grown it.  Now, he had asthma, that could turn life threatening very quickly.  I am afraid to leave him alone or go out of town any more.

Phil and I were out of the country on a trip for his company just the week before.  I am thankful this didn’t happen while we were gone.  I am thankful I am a pharmacist so I have a good understanding of how to treat him.  But most of all, I am thankful for priesthood blessings that heal and comfort in times of need.

I am a Mother


I am a pharmacist.  I went to college for five long and grueling years.  I always knew I didn’t want a career.  I always wanted to stay at home with my children.  My fellow students all thought I was crazy to put myself through the torture of pharmacy school when I didn’t want to work full time when I graduated.  Well, when I did graduate, I worked full time for a few years to help Phil finish school and get his career started.  Then I went to part time after I had my first child.  My mom watched Ella, then Preston, then Brennen as I worked 1-3 days a week.  I never had to continue working.  It was just something I did because I could.  I always felt I had the best of both worlds because I still felt like a stay at home mom.  I only worked part time and my kids weren’t going to a babysitter.  I also felt like I got out into the “real world” a few days a week and was able to contribute to the family income.

Well, earlier this year I started feeling a little stressed with the three kids, work, house, and the prospects of having another baby.  I knew in my heart that I needed to quit work completely.  I kept feeling this way and knew something had to be done.  When Phil and I found out we were expecting another baby, we knew it was time for me to say goodbye to work for a while.

I didn’t think it would be so hard for me to give up especially since I only worked part time and I was excited to spend more time with my kids at home.  But, it was tough.  I started working there when I was 16.  As you can see by the photo above that I have worked there exactly half of my life!   That is a long time.  The economy is really bad right now too and I felt nervous about quitting a good job when so many people are looking for work.  When I expressed this concern to Phil, he said, “Heavenly Father’s ways are not the ways of the world.”  That really made me think.  I know that logically with the economy the way it is, I should work and continue to contribute to the family income.  But, I know that Heavenly Father wants me to stay home with my kids and teach them His ways.  I know my family will be blessed because of this and that makes me happy.  So, for now I am a mother!

Here is a video that I love:

Time Out!


This weekend I attended Time Out For Women with my mom, sister Mallory, sister Miranda, and sister-in-law Bekah.  It was wonderful!  The guys stayed home with the kids (thank you!) and we spent the night away.  I had so much fun.  One of the highlights of the weekend was when we went to a small cafe to eat lunch before the program started.  When we walked in we saw three presenters, Kim Nelson, Kris Belcher, Emily Watts, and the musical presenter Hilary Weeks at the table next to us!  We were so excited and I finally asked for a photo.  They were so kind to us.  The rest of the weekend just got better from there.  We laughed, we cried, we talked.  I am thankful for this weekend away with the girls in my family and look forward to doing it again next year!

The theme for Time Out was “Sweet Assurance.”  The presenters spent the two days getting us to think about things that we know for sure.  They told us to write them down and try to add to our list.  I don’t know a lot but I do know a few things for sure.

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and takes care of my needs.
I know that my parents, husband, and children love me too.
I know that the spirit of God is real.  I have felt it too many times in my life to deny it.

When you get a second, take some time out and write down some things you know for sure!

Shining Moments


At certain times in our lives I think we get caught up in our busy day to day routines and don’t pay attention to the special moments that make our lives special.  I recently had my third child and experienced one such occasion. After I had the baby I felt like I did the same thing day in and day out.

Wake up (after being up half the night with a newborn), clean, breakfast, laundry, clean, play, lunch, clean, naps, school, clean, dinner, clean, kids bedtime, laundry, clean, sleep (for about an hour until the baby wakes up to eat)….  Day after day after day….

Did I also mention that I have a very stubborn five year old daughter, a very rambunctious two and a half year old son, and a very fussy newborn son?  Having the third child has not been a huge adjustment for me, but what has been hard is that he is so fussy.  If he’s awake he’s crying!  So, with no sleep and a crying baby, I have been very frustrated.  I have been stuck in my mundane schedule and not happy and excited about my life.

Feeling this way I found myself sitting in my family room watching General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Elder M. Russell Ballard was speaking about the essential role of motherhood.  The following quote he shared really touched me.

“First, recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.

Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: “The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . . . I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less”(Loud and Clear [2004], 10–11).”

I related to that quote so much.  I focus most of my attention on getting things done and not on the shining moments of joy and satisfaction in my life.

A few weeks went by and one morning I was making dinner for a sick friend.  The kids were helping me make cookies for their dessert.  They love to help add the ingredients and stir in the chocolate chips and of course, eat the cookie dough!  It takes so much longer when they help me but they love it.  About an hour later I was feeding the baby.  I rubbed his forehead as he was eating and I felt something sticky.  I peeled off a layer of goop and smelled it.  It was cookie dough!  It made me laugh because I could just picture Preston (my two and a half year old son) rubbing Brennen’s forehead like he loves to do, with cookie dough all over his hands.  This reminded me of the above quote.  This was one of the moments I wanted to remember.  I decided at that time, as I was scraping cookie dough off my newborn’s head, that I wanted to focus more on the moments in my life that make me happy, and less on the getting things done.

As I continued to think about this for the rest of the day I recognized more shining moments that made me happy.

I spent the afternoon outside with the kids in the sun.  Ella and Preston played and ran around while Brennen and I lounged on a blanket in the yard.  How refreshing that was after being cooped up in the house all winter.

I gave the kids a bath and as I was dressing Brennen he started fussing.  I picked him up and all he had on was a onesie.  His skin was so soft and he smelled wonderful.  After only holding him with long sleeves and pants it was wonderful to feel his soft newborn skin.

Instead of getting ready for bed like I asked my older two kids to do, they turned on music in the family room and decided to dance.  Instead of getting angry, I decided to dance with them for a while.  What fun we had making up dance routines together and singing the oldies music Ella picked out.

And best of all, my baby Brennen smiled at me for the first time!  He stopped crying for several minutes and was content and happy.  He has cried for his entire newborn life and for the first time in over a month he smiled and was content!  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I have promised myself that I will continue to try to pick out those shining moments in my day to day routine that make me happy.  I want to focus more on them and remember and cherish them.