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Tag: Family-Brennen

The Case of the Missing Socks

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Poor Brennen has had cold feet all winter long!  I just can’t figure it out.  I put socks on his feet and then they disappear.  This happens over and over and over again.  I randomly find them under couches, in drawers or baskets, or like today, in the closet where the vacuum goes!  There are still several pairs I haven’t found yet.  Whenever I ask the kids where Brennen’s socks are, Preston lets out a little giggle!

Dinner Time


Dinner time is always very hectic in our household.  Starting around 4:00 things go crazy!  Preston is ready for Phil and Ella to come home, Brennen is STARVING, Ella is coming home from school, I’m trying to get dinner started etc.  You get the idea.  I find myself telling Preston to be quiet while pulling Brennen off my pant leg as I’m trying to walk around the kitchen making dinner and watching for Ella to get off the bus.  Ella has helped me out a few times by feeding Brennen his dinner while I fix everyone else’s.  It keeps Brennen quiet and off my pant leg and gives Ella something to do when she comes in from school.  I think she gets more food on his face and in his lap than she does in his mouth; but, two of the three kids are quiet for a short amount of time while I cook.  You can’t beat that!


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I have really enjoyed learning more about photography.  I enjoy showing off photos I’ve taken of my children.  It started with Ella.  I would spend hours sticking her in buckets, baskets, and bows to take her picture.  What an enjoyment.  Then we added Preston.  I found out that taking pictures of two children was a little more difficult, but I always got at least one perfect photo at the end of each session.  Now, we’ve added Brennen and I’ve discovered that taking pictures of three is impossible!  Phil helped me get them all dressed and into my studio space and away we went.  Brennen cried, Preston threw a fit, Ella made faces.  At the end of this session all I had was what looked like a blooper roll!  Taking photos of my children isn’t quite as enjoyable as it used to be, but I still love it!


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My two and a half year old son loves bedtime.  He is the only child I have ever seen that asks to go to bed.  He loves loves loves his crib and his blanket and pillow!  After we had our next baby we knew we were going to have to move him over to a big boy bed.  I was nervous but he now loves his big boy bed.

My other son has had his days and nights confused from the moment we brought him home from the hospital.  He sleeps in his cradle which was next to my bed.  After several sleepless nights I couldn’t take it any longer.  We moved his cradle into our closet and turned on a fan.  He and I sleep much better.  He still wakes up and occasionally wants to stay up, but for the most part we are sleeping better!

I am thankful for my boys and their bedtimes!