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Tag: Family-Preston

The Joys of Spring


It was a warm, wet, spring day.  The kids were excited to go out and play. The older three went out while I stayed inside with the baby.  I went out to check on them and this is what I found!  In our backyard by their clubhouse, they found a perfect place to play.  At first I was worried because I knew their dad was going to be mad about the mud hole they created.  He’s pretty meticulous about the yard.  I quickly set that aside and grabbed my camera.  One of my favorite memories from childhood is playing in the mud with my brother and best friends.  It was so fun and the look on my mom’s face as we came to the door covered from head to foot was priceless.  Yes, their dad was a little mad but this was a fun memory for them too (it was fun until Preston got mud in his mouth!).



Photo Challenge-Hands


“Hands” are the theme for the photo challenge this week at “iheartfaces.”  As I looked back through some of my photos I realized that I love taking pictures of hands.  They can tell a story all by themselves.  I had to pick the photo of Preston’s dirty hands handing me flowers from last summer as my entry.  I loved the flowers but I loved his dirty little hands even better!  Here are a few of my other favorites.






And I simply couldn’t resist this photo-it’s Mr. Potato Head’s hand holding Ella’s tooth so the tooth fairy can find it!


1st Crush


Preston: “Mom, what does crush mean?”
Mom: “To break into many pieces.”
Preston: “Not that kind of crush.”
Mom: “You mean when you think a girl is cute?”
Preston: “Yes, does it always have to be a girl?”
Mom: “Um yes, what do you mean?”
Preston: ”Because I kind of have a crush on Griffin.”

Puddle Jumping


I think this has been the rainiest spring ever!  We’ve been cooped up in the house all winter and now all spring too.  Yesterday morning it was raining again and Preston just couldn’t help himself.  Ella and I were in the garage waiting for the school bus when Preston snuck past me and ran right for the rain.  He had such a good time that I couldn’t tell him to come in.  He ran and jumped and played!



Preston played soccer this year.  He has enjoyed kicking a soccer ball around our yard since was able to walk.  When I saw a flier for soccer, I knew we needed to sign him up.  He is very shy and hard on himself if he can’t do things just like he thinks he should.  Since this is something he enjoys and is good at, I thought it might help his confidence.  He was still hard on himself if he didn’t score as many goals as he wanted to but, he did enjoy playing and he did very well.  This is the medal he received for playing.  He was so proud of it.  He told Phil it was the first medal he’s ever received.  I am very proud of him too.



We have an extra refrigerator in our garage.  I went out there today to get some apple juice.  As I grabbed it from the refrigerator, I noticed it felt warm.  I checked the dial and saw that someone had turned it to the off position.  I immediately asked Preston about it and he admitted that, “I wanted to see what it would do.  I didn’t do it today, but I can’t remember what day I did it.”  The entire contents of the refrigerator (5 pounds of butter, 1 block of cream cheese, 4 pounds cheese, 1 dozen eggs, 2 pounds of ham etc) were at room temperature and had to be thrown out.  When I opened the freezer, it was still 32 degrees and cold.  Everything was thawed and I only had to throw out about half of the questionable contents (2 tubs of cool whip, 2  bags of ravioli, 2 pounds of meatballs, 1 pound of pork chops, 3 pounds of shrimp, 1 pound of salmon etc).

Then, I spent the rest of the evening crying over lost food and money and cooking the rest of the meat that could be salvaged.  I cooked 9 pounds of chicken, 2 pounds of hamburger, 6 pounds of beef ribs, 3 pounds of beef roast, and 7 pounds of pork roast!  I put all the cooked meat again in the freezer with hopes that this will never happen again.

When Ella came home she asked what I was doing.  I told her all about it and she said, “I won’t do that again.  I learned from experience.”  I had forgotten that she had done the same thing a few years ago.  I guess I have two more kids coming up who will want to see what the refrigerator dial will do!