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Tag: Family-Preston

The Case of the Missing Socks

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Poor Brennen has had cold feet all winter long!  I just can’t figure it out.  I put socks on his feet and then they disappear.  This happens over and over and over again.  I randomly find them under couches, in drawers or baskets, or like today, in the closet where the vacuum goes!  There are still several pairs I haven’t found yet.  Whenever I ask the kids where Brennen’s socks are, Preston lets out a little giggle!

Four in Four

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We have been in the emergency room four times in the last four months!  The first three were for Preston.

1.  Fell down the stairs and fractured his elbow.  He had to wear a splint for a few weeks but luckily did not need a cast.
2.  Ran right into the corner of a desk and cut open his temple.  They used liquid stitches to hold it together.
3.  Last Thursday night he fell off a kitchen chair and hit another chair with his chin.  His cut was deeper this time and they gave him five stitches.

4.  Well, if that wasn’t bad enough, Monday night Phil was using a pair of scissors and snipped his pinky finger!  Back to the ER we went and sure enough he needed four stitches.

Any more ER visits and I’m afraid they are going to start questioning us!

A New Way to Snap Green Beans

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I asked Ella and Preston to snap the ends off the green beans we were having for dinner last night.  While they were working on that, I busied myself with the rest of dinner.  I eventually turned around to see how the green beans were going.  I saw Preston pick up a green bean and snap the ends off by biting and eating the middle of the green bean.  Ella had a nice pile of snapped green beans and Preston had a pile of green bean ends with no middles!

Sucker Bouquet

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If you look back to a June post you will see where Ella handed me a beautiful bouquet of flowers she picked from our walk.  Preston recently presented me with a bouquet of suckers.  At first I thought it was really cute because his Grandma Debbie told him he could have a sucker and instead he took a handful.  I had to think for a moment which bouquet I liked better-Ella’s flowers or Preston’s suckers.  I reached out for Preston’s sucker bouquet and he grabbed them back away from me unwilling to share.  So, I guess I like the flowers better because Ella shares them with me!

A Day of Firsts

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Ella’s first day of kindergarten.
I can’t believe she’s old enough for school!  It’s exciting to see her grow and start new things but it’s also a little sad because it’s going by so fast.  When Ella got on the school bus this morning Preston started crying because he didn’t want her to go.  It was very cute.  She had a great day.  Some of her highlights of the day included: sitting by our neighbor on the school bus and playing with her at recess, eating mini corndogs for lunch, going to different stations in her classroom and completing activities, and slipping and sliding in gym class.

Preston’s first black eye.
I can’t believe this is Preston’s first real injury with as rough and clumsy as he is.  If there’s a wall nearby-he walks into it.  If there’s a counter ledge that sticks out-he bumps his head on it.  If he runs-he falls.  You get the picture.  Today he fell at grandma’s house and got his first black eye.  I saw him a few hours after he fell and he acted like it was no big deal.

Make a Wish…


I let Ella and Preston have the wishbone from the chicken I cooked.  We had fun as they each made a wish and pulled for dear life.  Preston won and Ella threw a fit because, “Preston always gets what he wants!”  Ahhhh the fun only lasted a moment but I’ll take what I can get.

I wish for some peace and quiet.
I wish for an uninterrupted nights sleep.
I wish for a ten pound weight loss without dieting.
I wish for all my laundry to be washed, folded, and put away.


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I have really enjoyed learning more about photography.  I enjoy showing off photos I’ve taken of my children.  It started with Ella.  I would spend hours sticking her in buckets, baskets, and bows to take her picture.  What an enjoyment.  Then we added Preston.  I found out that taking pictures of two children was a little more difficult, but I always got at least one perfect photo at the end of each session.  Now, we’ve added Brennen and I’ve discovered that taking pictures of three is impossible!  Phil helped me get them all dressed and into my studio space and away we went.  Brennen cried, Preston threw a fit, Ella made faces.  At the end of this session all I had was what looked like a blooper roll!  Taking photos of my children isn’t quite as enjoyable as it used to be, but I still love it!