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The Joys of Spring


It was a warm, wet, spring day.  The kids were excited to go out and play. The older three went out while I stayed inside with the baby.  I went out to check on them and this is what I found!  In our backyard by their clubhouse, they found a perfect place to play.  At first I was worried because I knew their dad was going to be mad about the mud hole they created.  He’s pretty meticulous about the yard.  I quickly set that aside and grabbed my camera.  One of my favorite memories from childhood is playing in the mud with my brother and best friends.  It was so fun and the look on my mom’s face as we came to the door covered from head to foot was priceless.  Yes, their dad was a little mad but this was a fun memory for them too (it was fun until Preston got mud in his mouth!).



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