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Time Out!


This weekend I attended Time Out For Women with my mom, sister Mallory, sister Miranda, and sister-in-law Bekah.  It was wonderful!  The guys stayed home with the kids (thank you!) and we spent the night away.  I had so much fun.  One of the highlights of the weekend was when we went to a small cafe to eat lunch before the program started.  When we walked in we saw three presenters, Kim Nelson, Kris Belcher, Emily Watts, and the musical presenter Hilary Weeks at the table next to us!  We were so excited and I finally asked for a photo.  They were so kind to us.  The rest of the weekend just got better from there.  We laughed, we cried, we talked.  I am thankful for this weekend away with the girls in my family and look forward to doing it again next year!

The theme for Time Out was “Sweet Assurance.”  The presenters spent the two days getting us to think about things that we know for sure.  They told us to write them down and try to add to our list.  I don’t know a lot but I do know a few things for sure.

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and takes care of my needs.
I know that my parents, husband, and children love me too.
I know that the spirit of God is real.  I have felt it too many times in my life to deny it.

When you get a second, take some time out and write down some things you know for sure!

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