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What You Learn in Cosmetology School!

So, today Brennen’s preschool class took a field trip to the cosmetology school on campus.  The kids have gone every year and have fun.  The girls in the school dye their hair (washes out when washed) and paint their nails.  Last year Brennen went with orange and black dye so he could be a jack-o-lantern.  This year he went with purple and blue spiked hair.  When I picked him up from school I told him that we would give him a bath and wash out the dye in a little bit.  He said, “I know because it washes out.”

After we had been home for a while, Griffin was sleeping soundly and Brennen disappeared for a few minutes.  Finally he came into the kitchen where I was and walks up to me like nothing was going on.  I looked at him and saw that the top front of his hair was gone!  I asked him, “Did you cut your hair?”  He replied, “Yes.”  I Said, “WHYYYY???” and he said, “Because I didn’t want my hair blue anymore.”  I told him we were going to wash it out in a little bit and he said he had already put water on it and the blue didn’t come out so he decided to cut it out.  He told me like it was the most logical thing in the world to do.

So, I had to wake up a sleeping Griffin (he never naps so I wasn’t too happy that I had to wake him up!) and lug them into the salon so he could have his hair buzzed.  I was afraid if she buzzed it any shorter that he would look sick so in some places he had bald spots showing through!  The women at the salon got a kick out of the situation and joked with us that since he had gone to cosmetology school he figured he could cut his own hair!

The photos above show his hair after his own haircut and after the salon hair cut.

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